Infinium Run October Update

It's time for an update on our futuristic tower defense game, Infinium Run.

The game

We are closing in on a pre-alpha build in November. This is an internal build to take our fully playable prototype, mission and game play data into our production engine. Of course, the art we have been working on over the past 14 months can now be integrated into a fully playable mission!


  • Mission Design: 75% Complete  ("complete" = first draft)
  • Dialog and Text: 20% Complete
  • Core Game Graphics: 100% Complete Pending Final Tweaks
  • Animation: 40%
  • Effects: 10%
  • Integration: 30%
  • Programming: 50%

Why are so many things far from complete at this time in development? For example, why can't the dialog be finished for the game? For efficiency reasons, we want to get a fully playable alpha out to the public to get feedback on missions and game play. If we go ahead and finalize a script and record it before testing the game, changes to the missions and structure can greatly affect the storytelling, and then we are pressured to keep a sub-par game to match our story, which we already locked down because we recorded dialog early. 

In summary, we are on track for completing graphics and game design. Playable internal and external builds are next. We believe in testing and validation from both our internal team and gamers. If you want to be involved in testing Infinium Run, go ahead and sign up for The Vault on this website. There's a free copy of the game for you ... and more!

