After PAX South

Wow, the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for the entire Codex Worlds team!  First, we would like to say “THANK YOU!” to everyone who organized, volunteered, and attended PAX South in San Antonio this past weekend.  

Our visionary Creative Director, Dexter Chow, and brilliant Concept Artist, Chris Rogers, did a phenomenal job manning the Infinium Strike booth throughout the weekend.  We would also like to extend a special thanks to our friends and partners at Stride PR for their outstanding ability to get Infinium Strike seen and heard in a sea of competition.

Who am I?  My name is Steven.  You will be hearing a lot from me in the coming months.  I am your connection to the rest of the Codex Worlds team.  I love to hear from all of our followers, players, and fans, so please engage with us on our social media pages, community forums, Steam discussion boards, or my personal email listed at the bottom of this post!

Everyone has been hard at work over the past several weeks polishing gameplay, implementing player feedback, and preparing Infinium Strike for launch.  If you haven’t seen the new Pre-Launch Trailer yet, check it out on YouTube.  

Curious about some of the new tweaks and additions we have made?  Here’s the shortlist:

  • Added new gameplay settings
    • Enable permanent health bars
    • Advanced camera - does not snap to turret bank when changing quadrants
    • Enable permanent sector boundary lines
  • Tactical map now shows an icon for 25 seconds when a turret is evaporated
  • Tactical map now has a quadrant danger indicator
  • Quadrant buttons at the upper right hand corner of the UI now display color coded warning indicators progressing from yellow to orange to red based on the amount of damage taken
  • Complete overhaul, tweaks, and bug fixes for controllers

We have been overwhelmed lately by the amount of positive feedback Infinium Strike has received after PAX South in the press and on social media.  Here are some of our favorites:

“This may be the key to invigorating the Tower Defense genre…” ~ Escapist Magazine

“If blowing up the Wrog is wrong, I don’t want to be right…” ~ Without the Sarcasm

“Infinium Strike, however, is gorgeous, intense, and robust. It plays more like an arcade space shooter than a tower defense game, and requires some quick thinking and planning to master.” ~ MMOHuts


As always, the entire team at Codex Worlds thanks you for your continued support in our quest to deliver you the most exciting gameplay experience possible!  Terran Space Force Command, over and out.

Steven Pattison